26 July 2007

jUst A thOught !!!

Ever were forced 2 go 2 some place u really didn't want 2 be in?? why 2 hit it while ur beloved r not there ? just new people u try 2 mingle with using ur fake smiles and ur ability 2 act !!!

Ever thought of facking sickness just 2 get away of the whole plan ?? which indeed u were excited to fix right before u knew that they r not coming??!!

Well nothin' is worth to be done as long as ur beloved ones r away .. even if what u wanted to do is just a walk !!!

28 June 2007

So clear to sOme but vague tO Others!!

Another soldier has escaped from the battle .. with some wounds all over him,yet survived !

In this battle we celebrate the runaway soldier.. we envy him..congrat him.. I mean after all he was so brave to leave and face the unknown alone ..right??!!

New soldiers get in..try to mingle with the group..so excited to learn all about every thing..they just don't know what they are gonna be facing later on !

The crazy beast comes around, kills lottsa spirits and leaves .. he just leaves thinking that he's doing the right thing by the term of his given power.. He doesn't know that one word could hurt you more than a knife stab.. he doesn't care if you are a pregnant lady with a one month old baby .. or if you are a sensitive girl whom never had to face such a wild animal.. he doesn't care if you are older than him ! he just keeps using this power in the wrong way !!

Maybe I will be a lucky quitter soldier someday, or even a dead spirit .. or maybe the beast will die eventually..who knows ??! All i know is that this war is not that easy and those who are soldiers are heroes even the quitters !
I'm Gonna miSs you all gUys

08 June 2007

tHe dArk siDe oF mE !

I always thought i had the choice to make my life follow the pattern i want it to .. I always thought happiness is something we decide to feel .. but after a while I recognise that these thoughts are not something I can pick up on my way to work in the morning, they are not applicable when I'm down or lonely !! they are just not real!!

I started to adopt a new way of thinking .. a better and more real one .. I started to believe that when our close friends leave to work outside the country we feel sad for a while and then just forget them .. I started to know that fathers are the same in the whole world they just come with different packages and mostly hated by their children ... I started to understand that career life sucks no matter what your job is ..and birthdays should not be the happiest moments for you because indeed you are just growing older !

many new data is being updated in my brain and whether I liked them or not they will exist inside me until I find worse data to replace them !!

01 April 2007

GirLs' TaLk

Setting in the room waiting for her to come..chatting together 'till she arrives..killing time..breaking ice!..chatting .. gossiping..only waiting for her to come!!

Silence fills the room out of a sudden,,lookin' at her comin' through that door,,she was so pretty,with her glittering dress and angel face... HERE COMES THE BRIDE..HERE COMES THE BRIDE!!

we sang for her for a while till her man comes and takes her.. away ..far from her beloved and her home,she thinks!

the father of the bride comes to say good bye to her, She cries out loud knowing she won't be her daddy's little girl any more..how could she when she's a married woman now?! a grown up lady?! a daughter that lives alone faraway from the whole gang!! she cries and holds him so tight!

We were singing with tears filling our faces..why did we cry? I dunno!!!! All i know is just i felt the way she felt in that moment although I've never been in her shoes before!!!

Girls only would understand and justify my tears!

Congrats " LiNa "

LoVe yOu sO muCh

19 March 2007

snOwy day at wOrk

hehe!! here we are at work , gathering for the feast !! It was snowy out there and the cios has filled the room ... we really had fun that day!

P.S==> kol hada el attack 3la LEBNANI SNACK!! keef law kan eshy aska:)!!

I love you my new friends .

12 March 2007

NighT WhisperS

We used to be so close... all the time together .. can't wait till the next day starts so as we meet again....
We used to be one soul... if one is in pain the other cries! if one is happy the other is high!
We are still in love ... we are still together ... But,,,,,,,,,,, something is different!!
Why are we far away now? she's around but far away!!! I cry but she can't see my tears any more! I laugh but she can't hear me!
I miss US the way we used to be..when every little thing could make us closer..when every hump we faced made us stronger...
She's here beside me but can't see me!!!
can't feel me!!
And I miss her .

03 March 2007

wOrk lOad !

hey employed force.......do I even need to comment or you know what exactly I'm talkin' about?!! :)

26 February 2007

StOp the wOrld..and let me Off!

She stops the world for a little while to think..to move into another world..A world she used to own..
She stops the time to remember her happy times with her friends and beloved ones....This time when she was every thing to every one.....

She stops the world wishing she could come back to those hey days, when she was able to smile every morning despite anything! when she used to fool around caring for nothing but enjoying her time and making her pals happy....

She stops the time to think and think and think......

Suddenly she wakes up and looks around, where are those friends? where is her glory? the smiles? the fun??? where did it all go??
Nothing is here but an agenda to write her job's appointments..Nothing but numbers and work colleagues! Are these people her friends? Are these numbers -which she barley understands- her fun?
she wonders for a while then comes back to the real world..she sheds a tear and hides it so quickly because her manager just called her!!!

Even though she's not whom she used to be .. she still deserves this break because it is after all what makes her alive now!!!!!

15 February 2007

gOOd mOOd!!

6:45 am Well I woke up in a really good mood today,
Inspite of the fights with some friends (2 days ago till today)
the difficulty of finding a cab to go to work (7:30 - 7:40) (on a daily basis)
aaaand the bad hair day:P But here I am still in a good mood!

2:00 pm I got back from the "daily tour" at work and found out that I have to sign a one
day discounted from my 18 days vacation because i arrived late twice before!!

2:02 pm after waking up from the shock.....I'm still in a good mood :)

2:10 pm SimSim who is the coordinator of my work team called me to tell me a great

2:10:33 pm "Saturday you have to go to work and the working hours on Sunday and
Monday will be from 8:00 am-8:00 pm ....after all that I'm still in a good


14 February 2007


I'm sure many of you guys have seen this photo before,coz it was published on the newspapers and the Internet...
Anyway it was a very sweet touching picture that I couldn't just look at and forget..I had to add my comment:)
I think it's about 2 lovers who couldn't be together in the real life so they decided to unite their love in such a way! In death.....
It's sooooo sad and romantic:(

what do u think the real story is?

I'd rather be a happy mug

laugh at me i dont care..

I'd rather be a happy mug

at least i get to share!

i get to have that finger hug

u get to have no where!

I get to smile if freezing fog

filled the whole surroundin' air

I'd rather be a happy mug

than a helpless sad lonely sir!!

10 February 2007

Amazing StOry

You may be wondering about what exactly this picture is !! Don't worry it's not something yucky like I first thought:) Infact it has a great story that touched me deep in the heart..

الصورة لجنين في بطن أمه لم يكمل 21 إسبوعاً إسمه سامويل ألكسندر حيث قرر الطبيب جوزيف برونر أن سامويل بحاجة إلى عملية جراحية ولكن لو تم إخراجه من بطن أمه فإنه سوف يموت ، ولذا عليه أن يقوم بإجراء العملية وهو داخل رحم الأم .
لم تمانع الأم (جولي آرماس) من إجراء العملية حيث أنها تعمل ممرضة توليد في نفس المستشفى وهي تعرف جيداً مدى مهارة الطبيب برونر في مثل تلك الحالات حيث أنه قد قام بعدة عمليات مشابهة وقد تكللت جميعها بالنجاح.
وأثناء العملية قام الطبيب بعمل فتحة في رحم الأم ليتمكن من إجراء العملية للجنين ، وبعد أن إنتهى من العملية وبينما هو يحاول إرجاع الرحم إلى مكانه أخرج سامويل يده الصغيرة جداً وأمسك بإصبع الطبيب .
يقول الدكتور برونر (( لقد كانت هذه اللحظة من أكثر اللحظات التي مرت في حياتي تأثيراً عليّ لدرجة أنني في تلك اللحظة قد تجمدت مكاني ولم أستطع أن أفعل أي شيء أو أن أحرك إصبعي ، أحسست بأن أطرافي كلها قد تجمدت))
وبسرعة كبيرة وقبل أن ينتهي هذا الموقف الأكثر إثارة وعاطفية في العالم تم أخذ هذه الصورة ونشرت في الصحف تم إسم (( اليد صاحبة الرجاء))
وقد كتبت الصحف عن هذه الصورة بأن الجنين سامويل قد أخرج يده الصغيرة من رحم أمه ليمسك بإصبع الطبيب وكأنه بذلك أراد أن يقول له " شكراً لك لإنقاذك حياتي"
تقول الأم أنها بعد أن رأت الصورة ظلت تبكي لعدة أيام
لقد نجحت العملية 100% وولد سامويل بعد أن أتم فترة الحمل وهو الآن بصحة جيدة

07 February 2007

VaLentine Is cOming tO tOwn!!

How many of you guys have lived the Valentine's Day?!! and when I say "lived"I mean that you've been in a love story, went out to celebrate on a romantic date, and bought some sweet gifts for your lover... otherwise in the common sense your Valentine's day does not count:).
Well as for me I've never ever lived one and I don't plan to!!! do you know why?
because it's a very STUPID occasion..no offence Cupid but I believe that this day was created only for fools who wanna show off that they are committed and in an affair regardless their true feelings!! A day that was created to judge those who are single and make them feel worse that they are alone in this RED day!!!

LOVE is a very sweet word.. a great feeling that cannot be measured in one single day!! cannot be remembered only on the 14Th of February..... so for those husbands who have stopped telling their beloved wives how much they love them and planning to do on Valentine because they do so occasionally please understand that women need to hear it everyday!
And for those SINGLE fellas Don't worry you'll find the right person in the right time just don't rush things out and enjoy your independence times;)
And for All the lovers in the whole world I say: keep going..keep taking care of each other..because you don't know how lucky you are to to find your OTHER HALF!

I don't know if i hurt some people or some couldn't agree with my point of view when i said i hate this day but honestly it's an unjustified day because when you love some one you don't give them a day you give them eternity...


03 February 2007

The Cat That Is Prettier Than Caesar!

I had a dare with a friend..The winner is the one who has the cuter CAT, I thought it's an easy one coz I am so confident of my Pet (Caesar) .. I had many dares and won them but this time I saw this cat and I admit that this kitty in this picture is one of the most adorable cats I've ever seen!
So I lost the dare but I won this chance of looking at this remarkable creature...
I Looooooove it alot that i could eat it right now.. :=)
This is the story of The Cat That Is Prettier Than Caesar!
Totally worth the winning ..
Congrats kitty xxoxoxoox

02 February 2007

My MemOry..

Every body I know can determine the sever weakness of memory i suffer from! People started to advise me to eat ( za3tar..some weird herbals...and so) to strengthen it..others said i should exercise it coz it's like a muscle......but would it really work?
I can forget your name..my TO-DO list..or what I DID a few hours ago..I even can forget important things that happened or said to me which makes many people mad at me:( But one thing I can never ever forget..... It's BIRTHDAYS! I have a remarkable memory for that..I don't know why or how i can recall them in spite of my crappy memory I still can:/

A friend of mine called me yesterday to ask me when his friend's birthday date is,and here i am remembering it though i couldn't remember her first name!! It's weird yet true!

31 January 2007

SaY Ma NaMe.....

Ever since i was born i was facing this problem with my name!! i don't think it's a weird or a foreign one to be miss-spelled or hard to be dealt with!!
either every one starts calling me DIALA or takes sometime to match the right NAME with my face!! i really hate that ..i mean when someone forgets my name don't u? i mean i'm not this quite shy girl who is sitting on the backseat of the room so as you stop the world for a few seconds to remember her name! then where exactly is the problem?? is my name supposed to be something else that fits me more? i-e does it FIT me and my personality?? plz help me guys!

SIGNED BY: DiaLA....aaaazdy DALIA :P

29 January 2007

The LiFe CyCLe oF mY SALARY!

Today I got my first salary ever!! Though it aint that much,But it feels awesome.. and here goes the cycle.... :




weekends HANGING OUT WITH FRIENDS (TCHE TCHE cafe)mostly==>waste of money aand time:)

working days POCKET MONEY...(for cabs and food)




And since it's my first wage i am OBLIGED to (a7ally) some people..but i'll be more than happy coz it's the least i could do ...... :P

28 January 2007

Starting With this thought

Well...i was asked by a friend to write more about my thoughts here, since i have many:) i do have many but sometimes it's just hard to organize and type them!!!!
Aaaand since I've started working 3 weeks ago -my first job ever- it's been busy. By the way my job title is (Direct Sales Agent) in the Arab Bank.
My work team is adorable...11 guys & 2 girls including me:P we became like a family but unfortunately we're gonna spled up in to smaller teams..too bad:/ My other new team is not as good as the (family team)..it seems more serious..competitive..not safe! maybe it's how work environment should really be! i donno i just wanna get over the training thing so quickly and start standing on my feet!
So guys whoever needs a LOAN .. CREdIT CaRD .. whatever.. i'm here ;)