Setting in the room waiting for her to come..chatting together 'till she arrives..killing time..breaking ice!..chatting .. gossiping..only waiting for her to come!!
Silence fills the room out of a sudden,,lookin' at her comin' through that door,,she was so pretty,with her glittering dress and angel face... HERE COMES THE BRIDE..HERE COMES THE BRIDE!!
we sang for her for a while till her man comes and takes her.. away ..far from her beloved and her home,she thinks!
the father of the bride comes to say good bye to her, She cries out loud knowing she won't be her daddy's little girl any more..how could she when she's a married woman now?! a grown up lady?! a daughter that lives alone faraway from the whole gang!! she cries and holds him so tight!
We were singing with tears filling our faces..why did we cry? I dunno!!!! All i know is just i felt the way she felt in that moment although I've never been in her shoes before!!!
Girls only would understand and justify my tears!
Congrats " LiNa "
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