03 February 2007

The Cat That Is Prettier Than Caesar!

I had a dare with a friend..The winner is the one who has the cuter CAT, I thought it's an easy one coz I am so confident of my Pet (Caesar) .. I had many dares and won them but this time I saw this cat and I admit that this kitty in this picture is one of the most adorable cats I've ever seen!
So I lost the dare but I won this chance of looking at this remarkable creature...
I Looooooove it alot that i could eat it right now.. :=)
This is the story of The Cat That Is Prettier Than Caesar!
Totally worth the winning ..
Congrats kitty xxoxoxoox

02 February 2007

My MemOry..

Every body I know can determine the sever weakness of memory i suffer from! People started to advise me to eat ( za3tar..some weird herbals...and so) to strengthen it..others said i should exercise it coz it's like a muscle......but would it really work?
I can forget your name..my TO-DO list..or what I DID a few hours ago..I even can forget important things that happened or said to me which makes many people mad at me:( But one thing I can never ever forget..... It's BIRTHDAYS! I have a remarkable memory for that..I don't know why or how i can recall them in spite of my crappy memory I still can:/

A friend of mine called me yesterday to ask me when his friend's birthday date is,and here i am remembering it though i couldn't remember her first name!! It's weird yet true!

31 January 2007

SaY Ma NaMe.....

Ever since i was born i was facing this problem with my name!! i don't think it's a weird or a foreign one to be miss-spelled or hard to be dealt with!!
either every one starts calling me DIALA or takes sometime to match the right NAME with my face!! i really hate that ..i mean when someone forgets my name don't u? i mean i'm not this quite shy girl who is sitting on the backseat of the room so as you stop the world for a few seconds to remember her name! then where exactly is the problem?? is my name supposed to be something else that fits me more? i-e does it FIT me and my personality?? plz help me guys!

SIGNED BY: DiaLA....aaaazdy DALIA :P

29 January 2007

The LiFe CyCLe oF mY SALARY!

Today I got my first salary ever!! Though it aint that much,But it feels awesome.. and here goes the cycle.... :




weekends HANGING OUT WITH FRIENDS (TCHE TCHE cafe)mostly==>waste of money aand time:)

working days POCKET MONEY...(for cabs and food)




And since it's my first wage i am OBLIGED to (a7ally) some people..but i'll be more than happy coz it's the least i could do ...... :P

28 January 2007

Starting With this thought

Well...i was asked by a friend to write more about my thoughts here, since i have many:) i do have many but sometimes it's just hard to organize and type them!!!!
Aaaand since I've started working 3 weeks ago -my first job ever- it's been busy. By the way my job title is (Direct Sales Agent) in the Arab Bank.
My work team is adorable...11 guys & 2 girls including me:P we became like a family but unfortunately we're gonna spled up in to smaller teams..too bad:/ My other new team is not as good as the (family team)..it seems more serious..competitive..not safe! maybe it's how work environment should really be! i donno i just wanna get over the training thing so quickly and start standing on my feet!
So guys whoever needs a LOAN .. CREdIT CaRD .. whatever.. i'm here ;)